Getting used to Brazil
The next day (21st of July) I got up early (5 A.M.) because I had a jetlag. I waited until 8 o'clock and then I registred properly at the administration of the moradia. Then I had to wait until 12 o'clock for the bus to the UFMG campus to get to the lab. I read some important documents and went home again. Together with my roommate and her madrinha (buddy) I went to the Policía Federal to register but in Belo Horizonte you can only register between 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
I also had to arrange my cpf because I did not have enough time for that back in the Netherlands. If you come to Brazil and also need to get your cpf, the following website describes the process very well:
The weekend I spent at the moradia except for doing the groceries and take a walk to lagoa pampulha. The lake is very beautiful and if you are in Belo Horizonte I think you should visit it. The next time I write, I will discuss the process of registering and getting the cpf in Brazil.