Arrival at 20th of July
At three o'clock (July 19th) started my biggest journey on my own ever. I never set foot outside of Europe and now I was going to Soutern America. Together with my father and boyfriend I checked in the luggage and the lady told me that I did not have to pick up my luggage until I was in Belo Horizonte. So I said goodbye to my family and gave an extra kiss to my boyfriend and went for it.
The journey itself went well and I was able to set foot in Brazil in one piece ;) But when I waited for the two suitcases we checked in, I found out that my suitcases were not on the plane to Belo Horizonte. Afterwards it was all stupid, of course. I did not check in the suitcases in São Paulo and therefore my suitcases looked suspicious and stayed behind in São Paulo. One of the suitcases is already back, with a lot of help from the Brazilian collegues! And the other one will be here probably this week or the next. I will keep you guys posted! For now I am just enjoying the view and the apartment.